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Therapy Services

CBT & ABA Therapy Services

At Achievement Balance, we take a multidisciplinary approach that relies heavily on both CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). These therapeutic methods target behavior and emotions. With this basis, we’re able to maximize the time the child spends in speech, occupational and physical therapies. CBT and ABA are intensive approaches, and through them our services can treat a variety of disorders including Autism, Asperger Syndrome, problem behaviors, Sensory Processing Disorder, aggression, and injurious behaviors.

ABA – Applied Behavior Analysis

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one of the most effective ways to teach children with special needs. We capitalize on Achievement Balance natural environment to promote Incidental Teaching (also called Natural Environment Teaching) where normally occurring situations and the child’s interests facilitate language and learning. Achievement Balance focuses on utilizing the principles of positive reinforcement to increase the likelihood that desired behaviors will occur. ABA is used to teach a wide variety of skills, including requesting, play skills, academic skills, independent and functional living skills, and social skills to name just a few.

Once a child is enrolled with Achievement Balance, they will be assessed by one of our Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). Our BCBA will conduct a direct measurement with the child, then interview caregivers and afterward review past evaluations and reports. Based on the information gained from the assessment, an individualized treatment plan is written and discussed with the family.  The family is integral to the treatment of the child so it is critical the family agree and endorse the treatment plan.

Applied Behavior Analysis treatment is individualized and generally includes a focus on small (also called discrete) steps towards meeting objectives, an emphasis on understanding the function of behaviors, and ongoing data collection is used to guide treatment decisions.  Treatment is provided in small groups and in one-to-one therapy settings. Generally, treatment is initially more intensive with a goal towards fading the intensity of the treatment program and transitioning to less restrictive supports and services.

Our BCBA is integrated into the day to day operations of each Achievement Balance Program.  Each of our BCBA’s work collaboratively with our therapists, program staff and families to provide the most effective treatment possible.  Constant feedback from all involved is fundamental to effective treatment and growth of the child.

Benefits of ABA Therapy:

  • Halting negative patterns of thinking
  • Addressing bad habits
  • Regulating emotion
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Improved school performance
  • Better social interactions

ABA Speech Therapy for Children

Among the many services provided by Achievement Balance is our Speech and Language Therapy.  Effective communication is crucial to successful growth, therefore; Speech therapy is a fundamental process for all children at our facility.

Speech and Language needs are determined through initial information provided by the family then a formal analytical assessment is performed with the child. Afterward we observation the child in various communication scenarios through several days.

As the child progresses within the Achievement Balance program, we provide feedback to the family and ask for feedback from the family.  With this two-way feedback, we are able to ensure continual improvement in the child’s overall communication skills.

Example of our Speech-Language therapy types

  • Receptive Language
  • Expressive Language
  • Pragmatic (Social) Language
  • Articulation/Speech Sound Production
  • Augmentative Communication, including use of sign language, pictures, and electronic devices
  • Literacy, including phonemic awareness, reading and reading comprehension.
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Dysfluency (Stuttering)
  • Voice

CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT – Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a powerful approach that has been effective for those with Autism. Children and adults often get stuck in negative repetitive behaviors or ways of thinking. To change the actions of those with these patterns, it’s important to target the thoughts that motivate them.

At Achievement Balance, we create a structured goal-centric approach to CBT. Our approach helps children regulate negative emotions, control impulses, and improve their overall behavior. CBT is different for each child because everyone has their own unique needs. There is no cookie-cutter cognitive behavioral therapy schedule. Our CBT therapists work closely with parents to ensure exercises translate well into the home.

The benefits of CBT include:

  • Reversal of negative thought patterns
  • Better understanding of social situations
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Fewer outbursts and meltdowns
  • Other challenging behaviors are improved

ABA Physical Therapy for Children

ABA Physical Therapy at Achievement Balance is structured to enhance the child’s movement throughout their natural environment.  The therapists work with families to provide support in the areas of gross motor development, motor planning, and visual motor skills. These services may include improving and working with muscle tone, strength and development, range of movement, quality of movement, eye-hand coordination, attention to task and sensory integration. We look at the quality of a child’s movements such as their pace and gait when they learn to walk or correcting their gait deviations, their balance and coordination skills, and their overall endurance for physical activity. Physical Therapists are concerned with helping children reach their full developmental potential and realizing their full gross motor abilities to improve their quality of life. Our team works collaboratively to apply therapeutic principles throughout their day for maximum results.

Achievement Balance provides evaluation, intervention, and consultation in the following areas:

  • Gross motor development
  • Muscle tone and strength
  • Posture/postural control
  • Pre-gait and gait training
  • Locomotion patterns
  • Neuromuscular function
  • Endurance
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Body alignment
  • Environmental adaptations/seating and positioning
  • Wheelchair positioning and mobility
  • Splinting/bracing/orthotics

Physical therapists may incorporate many intervention approaches, including stretching, mobilization, strengthening and endurance training to enhance the child’s capabilities and prevent deformities and contractures. We also assess and modify environmental obstacles that might impede optimal performance.

With physical therapy, kids build strength and improve motor function, balance and coordination in fun, creative ways. In fact, most of the work we do is based on play and positive reinforcement… it’s the most positive way to get children motivated and involved.